(Left Photo)Lithograph during cleaning, (Right photo) shows Lithograph after cleaning and oxidizing treatment in the same section. This lithograph had foxing (brown spots) and darker areas where mat was sitting leaving a brown color tint from deterioration, as well has masking tape around the image used in framing. The cleaning took a few weeks to complete and the brown areas were 85% removed. You can also see the landscape capturing lighter blue tints in the sky after treatment. Most Art on Paper Restorations can be a challenging at times, and only time, proper de-dehumidification and cleaning process can tell how clean a paper will be without disturbing darker or lighter colors in the painting. Most cleanings on paper can only be cleaned as well as 85%. This Lithography was then Museum Custom Framed with Archival Matting, backing and Museum glass was added to give a floating effect. Most art on paper need to be frame correctly and to preserve it conservation must be added with quality materials. For art on paper or any other type of cleaning and restoration have a professional take a look at your art piece. For more information please contact
CHECK IT HERE Anabela is a Local Restorer located in Springfield Virginia.